Monday, April 25, 2016

Smile. You're on Candid Kid's Life

"Sometimes it's too easy to look at women on magazine covers because they're smiling at me."

Those words changed my world.  My husband was explaining to me how he was feeling.  And it shocked me and rocked me.

So, I took a heavy dose of humility and a deep breath.  And changed.  I started smiling at him more.  And then I decided that I needed to smile more at my kids too.

I didn't start out as what I would call a "good mom."  A loving mom?  Sure.  But not a "good mom."  My family doesn't exactly have a history of "good momism" in the sense of grace, patience, long-suffering, and the like. Although each generation, I believe, has done the best they can.  

So I would call my early mothering days rocky at best.  I also had undiagnosed hormone and thyroid issues (if you have similar issues, see my coaching page here) that caused massive mood swings and anger.  I literally felt I was losing my mind at times.  I spent far too much time yelling, spanking, scowling.  Life wasn't too fun for me or the kiddos many a day.

Fast forward to the day of my husband's comment.  I began to make a real effort to smile more, instead of frowning or scowling.  I got a hold of better parenting materials that emphasized grace and joy over authoritarianism and strict discipline.  I switched from The Pearls to "Shepherding Your Child's Heart" as a start.

And I smiled.  I want to encourage you to do the same if you do not do so already.  If you come from a place that, for whatever reason, makes it difficult to smile or find joy in your children, begin to pray about that.  Ask the Lord for mercy for you and your kids.  Get your physical health checked out.  Get your stress level to a manageable place.  Pick up materials that encourage you to have loving boundaries without ANGER.  Did I mention prayer?  Also, prayer*.

I believe that there are very many mothers who are struggling to ENJOY parenting, homeschooling, and life in general.  This is a hard age to live in.  Between Pinterest and Facebook, we tend to feel "out parented" in a lot of areas.  I want to extend grace to you.  I've been there.  I've spent hours sobbing on my bed and thinking that maybe if I were gone, my kids would have a better life.  I've felt despair over this issue.  But we serve a God of mercy.  I believe that you, too, can overcome!

*When I say "prayer," it can be very simple.  The "Jesus prayer" is an ancient Christian prayer which says, "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."  I shorten it to, "Lord have mercy" when I'm stressed.  It's a great catch-all because, hey, I might be asking for mercy for me but then, I might be asking mercy for my child who is currently pushing my buttons!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Resource Lists

Over the years, I've developed quite a library of resources for those wanting to study education and, particularly, educational history.

Here is my list, in recommended order of reading.

Resources for History of Education

Dumbing Us Down  by John Taylor Gatto.
The Leipzig Connection by Paolo Lionni
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt
The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto
Is Public Education Necessary?  by Blumenfeld

Resources for Classical Education

Does Hollywood Want Your Kids?

In 2013, Joe Biden publicly thanked the Jews in Hollywood for influencing the American culture toward gay marriage.  Read an article on this here.

Long commentary short: if you are not previewing movies and television shows for your children, you are handing them over to the Enemy for that hour and a half.

Let me give you a few examples from our own family.

My kids love Night at the Museum.  And, honestly, so do I.  We watched the first and second movies and loved them.  They were learning about history, it was clean humor, good plot, excellent.

Then along comes number three.  Lo and behold, those cute little figurines we have come to adore are...GAY!  Yes, you didn't know it but miniatures in museums can be gay too.  I.  Was.  Fuming.

Now do we think that this slipped into the script of a third movie in a series by accident?  Why the third movie?  Why not the first one?  I submit that it is because Hollywood wanted to gain the trust of your sweet little Christian family so that it could expose your children to homosexuality.  This certainly wasn't important to the plot line at all.  It didn't need to be in the movie.  It was lovingly placed there by people who hate your Christian beliefs.

I don't know what kind of "Jews" in Hollywood are behind this, according to Biden.  I'd like to think of the Jewish people as loving God and his Word.  I am not, however, a Zionist (see a Scoffield Bible documentary for more on that) and I wonder if all my Israel-loving friends have some kind of answer when it comes to this.   I sure don't.

Let's look at another quick example.  Curly Sue.   Had never seen the movie in my life.  It's a kids' movie.  It's written in the 90s.  I figure, "It's probably safe."  Nope.  Full of cursing, sexual references, etc.  Now WHOM do you think the movie studio assumed was going to watch this movie?  Kids, of course.  So why would they fill it with cursing, sexual references, etc?  Why, why, why?  The simple answer, that I truly believe, is that Hollywood has an actual (albeit unstated) agenda to corrupt your children.  Not every movie.  Not every director.  But many of these "kids movies" are no such thing.

The moral of this story?  Be vigilant.  As if oft said, the Devil doesn't take a break from trying to gain your children; neither should you.

Monday, April 18, 2016

It's Unravelling.....

I never thought I would see this time in our culture.  Never.

I never thought I'd be talking to my kids about "gay marriage" or "transgender bathrooms" or even the Egyptian martyrs.

Sixteen years ago when I got pregnant, none of that was really an issue.  I felt pretty relaxed in my Christian, Texan culture.  I knew about the culture war, of course, but it was far away in exotic places like Omaha...or Detroit.

Fast forward to the recent SCOTUS decision.  My world was rocked.  I didn't want to tell my kids that this once great country, that once honored faith and God overall, had done something like THIS.

I didn't want to talk about these things.  Heck, I didn't even want to read Corinthians to them and field questions like, "What's an orgy?"

But, alas, here we are.  Someone is pulling on the sweater yarn of Western Civilization and it is unravelling at an alarming rate.

As an educational historian, I know a lot.  I know a lot about Enlightenment ideology on education, I know a lot about socialism and communism and their ideas about education.  I know a lot about fascism and Prussian education.  I know a lot about statist education.  And Dewey.  And the behavioral psychologists.  I know about UNESCO and Robert Mueller.  I know about Alice Bailey and her interesting visions. I've read the books by Iserbyt, Blumenfeld, and Gatto.  I've delved into the modern-day issues with data collection, Common Core, and the like.  In short, I see how it all strings together to create a full-frontal assault on our faith and our children.

So why am I so shocked?  Because, where is the church in all this?   How did we get to the point that the immoral minority is running this show?  When did we, as Christians, become so damned impotent?

I have two simple answers, one secular, and one religious.  The first, secular reason, is the education system.  We have given these people our children.  These institutions who, on the whole, want to centralize everything in the world, tell us what our jobs and careers should be, tell us we must be "tolerant" of godlessness, do not themselves tolerate prayers or Bible studies, who hand out devices like candy, who create huge rifts between parents and children, who have stripped our children's education of classic works of literature and replaced them with news reports, who have modified math to beyond incomprehensible, and the list goes on.  We.  Have.  Given.  Them.  Our.  Children.  Should we be surprised?

The moment a Christian parent sends their child to a place all day, five days a week, nine months out of the year, where they are not allowed to acknowledge that knowing God and His creation is the end GOAL of education....well, that is the moment we have lost.

I'm not saying that there aren't godly educators, administrators, etc.  No, by all means!  But it doesn't much matter.  They cannot "out-Jesus" the machine of educational ideologues.  They are crushed under the weight of oppressive doctrine and godlessness.  Under World Core, Common Core, "New Math," environmentalism, multiculturalism, sensitivity training, and the like.  There is no room for Christ in our modern public schools.

And the second, religious, problem?  A watered down church.  I am no fan of the Reformation for a variety of reasons but this is a big one.  We have churches today who create their own unique doctrine and then argue and divide over non-essential issues.  They narrow their congregations down to the minutest points of theology and only fellowship with those who agree.  Well, that's one set of churches.

Then we have the non-denominational churches (including denominational ones that have switched over) who don't want to make a huge fuss and divide over doctrine so, basically, they just don't teach it.  Church becomes a rock concert with a motivational speech and a lot of emotional tugging.  It feels good.  "They have good kids' programs."  "The worship band ROCKS!  Did you hear them cover that Eagles song?"  Uh-huh. is that formative to faith again?

In my opinion, the first split of the church (the East-West schism) was the worst because it spawned all the others.  Then you have Luther and Lutherans.  Then comes Calvin and Calvinists.   Anabaptists.  Anglicans.  Puritans.  Baptists.  Methodists. Reformed Baptists.  Episcopalians.  Churches of God.  Churches of Christ. (Shouldn't those last two, you know, be the same church?)

Need I go on?  I think not.  We are certainly not a church united.  And, in my opinion, we never will be united nor effective for the Lord in any grand way until we concede the error of our ways and reunite with the earlier churches.  We must quit judging them as heretical if for no other reason than that they gave us our faith (and we are now arrogant enough to judge them as heretical).  One of my favorite sayings is "We stand on the shoulders of giants and beat them about the head."  This is true in civil life as well as spiritual.

We must quit saying all sorts of silly things like, "They just don't understand grace.  They are all works based.  They are idol worshippers."  These things are utter nonsense and I'll wager that anyone who says such things has never once questioned one of these churches on such doctrine.

And, really, the switch is on.  Evangelicalism is losing a lot of people to atheism.  But a large number are returning to early churches as well.  And I see that as a good thing.  Until we can agree on basic tenets and dogma and work together under the same umbrella, we are going mostly nowhere.

And make no mistake.  There are people waiting in the wings to pick up where Western Civilization left off.  There is no shortage of those desirous to see Sharia Law or Communism overtaking the entire world.  The only way we will be able to withstand such a takeover is to be united and to stop sending our babies to institutions which teach them to godlessness and "tolerance."

Keeping Your Kids In the Faith

I have many homeschooling friends who have lost their Christian kids to the world and the devil.

Just let that soak in a moment.  They lost them.  They're transvestites.  Atheists.  Homosexuals.  God haters.  Parent haters.  

If that isn't your worst fear as a homeschooling educator or Christian teacher, short of their untimely death, I don't know what is.

Today I want to talk about not so much my view on why this is happening (maybe later) but what we can do to prevent it.

This is going to be brief but I'm going to be blunt.

1. Youth Group

Youth group is one of these new-fangled contraptions that for some reason so many Christian homeschooling parents who have deliberately protected their children by homeschooling them see no problem with.  Yeah, I have a problem with it.  Who is in their church youth group?  Are they all the homeschool buddies?  Maybe.  But more likely they are the kids that you wanted to avoid mixing your kids with because they have totally different values.  And now you're throwing them in with these kids as part of their formative faith development.  How often do I hear parents say, "Johnny wants a nose ring and came home from youth group asking about transgender bathrooms."

I'm not talking about sheltering your kids from those sorts of conversations.  But with whom should they be having them?  With the 22 year old youth pastor?  With their peers?  You know the answer.

2. Church

Doctrine.  Is it there?  Or is church a fun time where you get to experience emotional feelings, sing awesome songs with a cool band, and hear a message about how God wants to bless you?  Just sayin'.

3. Martyrs

Do your children have any idea what their faith cost those who came before them?  Do you?  How is your knowledge of church history?  Our family reads scripture, a quote from the church fathers, and a story about a saint/martyr every day.  This is vital.  Their faith is not to be taken lightly or as though it came cheaply to them.  I don't care which denomination you are in.  If you're Orthodox, read the Prologue or start with this. Catholics have saint books and similar calendars.  I believe there is a Book of the Martyrs for Protestants as well.  The digital versions are usually super cheap.  

Your children need to understand the tortures that, for instance, Maximus the Confessor, endured (having his tongue cut out) to pass on a rich, sound faith to them.

4. Exposure to Immorality Through Media

I cannot walk my kids by the grocery store aisle without asking them to avert their eyes.  Kaitlin Jenner is all the rage.  Do your kids watch Youtube videos to learn crafts or other things?  The sidebar is full of immoral propaganda that has been chosen by Youtube for this children's video.

Scrolling through Amazon movies to see what the kids can watch?  Transparent (the show about the transvestite dad) is front and center.  Every.  Single.  Time.

Pinterest?  Same story.  Facebook?  You betcha.  Modern "young adult" literature?  Full of profanity and immoral sexuality.  There is a war on for your children.  Please stop participating in their moral destruction.

How about giving them devices?  Don't think so.  Your kid has a SMARTPHONE?  An iPad?  Anything with unrestricted internet access?  I have a hard time expressing how detrimental this is.  Do you have any idea how many many pastors....struggle with this stuff?  And you are handing these items over to your kids?  Nonsensical.   Take the drug war advice from the 80s and "just say no!"

Of course, they're going to get exposure all over the place so train them, train them, train them how to avoid the pitfalls of these things in our culture!

5.  Personal Connection

Just as your children need to have a deeply rooted understanding of their faith ancestors, they also need to understand your history.  At least once a week, connect with your kids by telling them about you.  About your childhood.  Things that you remember, loved, and what impacted you at every stage of your life.  Talk about your favorite memories, your worst moments, your embarrassments, your fears, your struggles.  Stay age appropriate but never stop sharing you with them.  Your kids are part of a tradition.  Your tradition.

Stay connected to them by asking at dinner each night, "What is your high/low?"  In other words, what was the best and worst thing that happened today?  Don't judge their answers.  Just listen.  Be honest about your own highs and lows.

Have a time of family repentance where you lead by asking if you need to apologize for anything specifically; ask this of each child.  Encourage them to do the same.

Remember kids who feel emotionally connected, listened to, and cared about tend to have deeper ties to their families and place value there.

There are no parenting guarantees and it is a major mistake to think so.  People sin.  You could do everything right and be the very best parent and your kids may still go astray.  I am very aware of that.  But these are best practices, in my opinion, not guarantees.

At some point I'm going to talk about the "why" behind Christians losing their kids to the enemy and the world.  But for now, let's just stop the bleeding.