Long commentary short: if you are not previewing movies and television shows for your children, you are handing them over to the Enemy for that hour and a half.
Let me give you a few examples from our own family.
My kids love Night at the Museum. And, honestly, so do I. We watched the first and second movies and loved them. They were learning about history, it was clean humor, good plot, excellent.
Then along comes number three. Lo and behold, those cute little figurines we have come to adore are...GAY! Yes, you didn't know it but miniatures in museums can be gay too. I. Was. Fuming.
Now do we think that this slipped into the script of a third movie in a series by accident? Why the third movie? Why not the first one? I submit that it is because Hollywood wanted to gain the trust of your sweet little Christian family so that it could expose your children to homosexuality. This certainly wasn't important to the plot line at all. It didn't need to be in the movie. It was lovingly placed there by people who hate your Christian beliefs.
I don't know what kind of "Jews" in Hollywood are behind this, according to Biden. I'd like to think of the Jewish people as loving God and his Word. I am not, however, a Zionist (see a Scoffield Bible documentary for more on that) and I wonder if all my Israel-loving friends have some kind of answer when it comes to this. I sure don't.
Let's look at another quick example. Curly Sue. Had never seen the movie in my life. It's a kids' movie. It's written in the 90s. I figure, "It's probably safe." Nope. Full of cursing, sexual references, etc. Now WHOM do you think the movie studio assumed was going to watch this movie? Kids, of course. So why would they fill it with cursing, sexual references, etc? Why, why, why? The simple answer, that I truly believe, is that Hollywood has an actual (albeit unstated) agenda to corrupt your children. Not every movie. Not every director. But many of these "kids movies" are no such thing.
The moral of this story? Be vigilant. As if oft said, the Devil doesn't take a break from trying to gain your children; neither should you.
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