So, I took a heavy dose of humility and a deep breath. And changed. I started smiling at him more. And then I decided that I needed to smile more at my kids too.
I didn't start out as what I would call a "good mom." A loving mom? Sure. But not a "good mom." My family doesn't exactly have a history of "good momism" in the sense of grace, patience, long-suffering, and the like. Although each generation, I believe, has done the best they can.
So I would call my early mothering days rocky at best. I also had undiagnosed hormone and thyroid issues (if you have similar issues, see my coaching page here) that caused massive mood swings and anger. I literally felt I was losing my mind at times. I spent far too much time yelling, spanking, scowling. Life wasn't too fun for me or the kiddos many a day.
Fast forward to the day of my husband's comment. I began to make a real effort to smile more, instead of frowning or scowling. I got a hold of better parenting materials that emphasized grace and joy over authoritarianism and strict discipline. I switched from The Pearls to "Shepherding Your Child's Heart" as a start.
And I smiled. I want to encourage you to do the same if you do not do so already. If you come from a place that, for whatever reason, makes it difficult to smile or find joy in your children, begin to pray about that. Ask the Lord for mercy for you and your kids. Get your physical health checked out. Get your stress level to a manageable place. Pick up materials that encourage you to have loving boundaries without ANGER. Did I mention prayer? Also, prayer*.
I believe that there are very many mothers who are struggling to ENJOY parenting, homeschooling, and life in general. This is a hard age to live in. Between Pinterest and Facebook, we tend to feel "out parented" in a lot of areas. I want to extend grace to you. I've been there. I've spent hours sobbing on my bed and thinking that maybe if I were gone, my kids would have a better life. I've felt despair over this issue. But we serve a God of mercy. I believe that you, too, can overcome!
*When I say "prayer," it can be very simple. The "Jesus prayer" is an ancient Christian prayer which says, "Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." I shorten it to, "Lord have mercy" when I'm stressed. It's a great catch-all because, hey, I might be asking for mercy for me but then, I might be asking mercy for my child who is currently pushing my buttons!
I love this! I actually just got married this year, and I can already relate to needing to smile more at my husband, ha!